Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005
(AODA), 2005
Is an Ontario law which has developed standards of accessibility for all persons’ with a disability. Its purpose is to improve opportunities for people with disabilities and to provide for their involvement in the identification, removal and prevention of barriers.
“Accessibility is about removing barriers, not a person’s disability.”
The focus of the Accessible Customer Service Standard is on how to provide customer service in a way that removes or doesn’t create barriers for people with disabilities / developmental challenges. This standard sets out the way goods and services are provided to the people we support, the public or other third parties, not to the goods themselves.
Principles of Customer Service
- Respect
- Dignity
- Independence
- Equal Opportunity
- Integration
Providing Goods and Services to People with Disabilities/ Developmental Challenges
In fulfilling our mission, Community Living – Stormont County strives at all times to provide its goods and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of all people including people with disabilities/developmental challenges. We have always been committed to excellence in removing barriers to accessibility, and now in meeting the accessibility requirements under the “Integrated Accessibility Standards” (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act). C.L.S.C. is also committed to providing the same opportunities to access our goods and services, in the same place, in a similar way and benefitting from those services as would all other individuals.
Accessibility and integration have always been a “vision with a mission” for Community Living – Stormont. The agency’s “Mission, Vision and Values”, related documents and policies have been compliant for a number of years prior to the inception of the AODA Act. In accordance with Regulation 429/07, C.L.S.C. has also made some necessary revisions/changes in order for employees, volunteers, students and third-party partnerships to be compliant and in keeping with all the required standards.
Community Living – Stormont County works for and with individuals who have developmental challenges (physical & developmental). On April 14, 2008, the C.L.S.C. Board of Directors approved a motion which states “all literature reflect “people/individuals with a developmental challenge”. The motion was made in response to a request by a group of individuals with developmental challenges, who sited that “they were not disabled”, but simply had “challenges”. They asked that the words “Developmental Challenges” be used in the place of “disabilities”. C.L.S.C. respects their wishes and gives its support.
For employees, volunteers, students or people from the community with a disability, they will be referred as “an individual with a “disability”.
Policies and related information can be found in the following documents:
- C.L.S.C. Board Manual (John Carver Model); C.L.S.C. Policy & Procedure Manual; and the Collective Agreement.
- All policies relevant to the Act are listed in a table on the next two pages 4/5 & 5/5.
- Community Living – Stormont County’s Accessibility Plan addresses the identification, removal and prevention of barriers to persons with developmental challenges / disabilities who work, visit or are supported.
- C.L.S.C. will continue to work on the issue of accessibility and the integration of all people with developmental challenges / disabilities.
Accessibility Feedback Form – Customer Service
Feedback on Customer Service – Satisfaction Surveys
As per the Ontario Regulation 429/07, the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, an ACCESSIBILITY FEEDBACK FORM – CUSTOMER SERVICE is available to the public for their comments. It allows the public to provide feedback in the manner in which C.L.S.C. provides programs, goods and services to people with disabilities/developmental challenges. Comments on our services regarding how expectations are being met are welcome and appreciated.
Anyone wishing to submit an “Accessibility Feedback Form – Customer Service” can do so in person, by telephone, in writing, or by e-mail.
The “Accessibility Feedback Form – Customer Service” forms are available in the reception area or can be found on C.L.S.C.’s website. These forms will be directed to the; Executive Assistant who in turn will hand them over to the Executive Director. Customers can expect to hear back in 5 – 10 days.
C.L.S.C.’s Board Monitoring Policies, internal policies, related documents and the Collective Agreement have been in compliant prior to the inception of the AODA Act.
In accordance with Regulation 429/07, Community Living – Stormont County has revised many of its Policies in the Policy & Procedure Manual to be compliant with the required standards.
One such policy “Hiring“, states in every job posting the following:
“Please note that where needed, and upon the request of an individual with a disability, accommodations shall be made during the process of recruitment, assessment and selection.”
If you wish to see our policies please e-mail or fax your request, as per the form and a time you would like to view them.