We believe that all people should live in a state of dignity. 

Community services that bring us all closer together.

Adult Services

Supported employment and accommodation supports specific to peoples individual needs.

Passport Program

Designed to provide funds for social/recreational opportunities, and person-centred planning.

Community Living is a life saver, simply put. I can’t say enough good things about everyone there Everyone is fantastic.

– Janette Dauphins

Community Living in Stormont County

We are a non-profit agency that assists people with developmental challenges and their families. It is the Vision of Community Living Stormont County that: All citizens can live in and be part of a competent and caring community where all people have equal rights and opportunities for growth.

Get involved

We have several ways for you to get involved with our community support through events, memberships, volunteer and donations. Click the button to find out more.

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Latest News & Updates

Read through our latest updates filled with success stories, new projects, events and updates from our team.

Talking About Children’s Mental Health

Approximately 1 in 5 children and youth in Ontario has a mental health challenge. When your child or youth with a disability experiences mental health challenges, it can add another layer of complexity for your family, and knowing how to help them can be difficult.

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Into to the RSDP

The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) is a made-in-Canada, long-term savings plan designed specifically for people with disabilities. Whether you recently opened an RDSP or are thinking of starting one, P4P's Introduction to the RDSP webcast is a great place...

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Helping families create smart strategies, creative tools & sustainable solutions.


National federation working to advance the full inclusion and human rights of people with an intellectual disability and their families.